
Monday, May 13, 2024

Sunny ......

A set of 'Twinchies' made for a swap in UK Stampers Forum in the theme of 'Sunny Days' .....

I cut the backgrounds from re-cycled food packaging and then cut 4 2 x 2 inch squares from yellow cardstock. I chose a sun stamp and stamped centrally on each with orange Versafine Clair ink which was then heat embossed with clear embossing powder.

I then die-cut 4 circles from gold metallic paper and applied in the centres of each 'sun' image embellishing with dots with an orange Posca pen. The rays were also edged with a white Posca pen.

The decorated layer was applied to the card base and each was edged with Krylon gold pen to finish .....

Sid xx


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