'The clock's ticking.................British summer time ends next Sunday 26th and the clocks go back 1 hour so get your skates on and create 2 ATCs with time as your theme, use the same stamp for both but a different technique for each!'
I used a clock stamp and the words Tick, Tock on my two cards.
The first one demonstrates a soot stamp-off technique. I first coated the card with a couple of coats of batchelor button blue Starburst Stain and allowed to dry. Then I lit a candle and held the coated surface (moving continuously) close to the flame, depositing soot over the surface and covering up the colour. I then used the stamps without any ink to remove the soot, leaving the coloured surface below to show through. I then sprayed the card with cheap hair lacquer to seal the soot onto the surface.
The second uses triple heat embossing and two colours of pearlised Deep Image Crystals UTEE from Once Upon A Stamp. The stamps were inked up with Brilliance mediterranean blue to act as a release.
Hope you like them :-)
Lovely ATCs, will have to try that soot stamping :D